Author Archives: james
Kubernetes – Reset Cluster
REF: Stack Overflow
james@server-01:~$ more ~/
sudo kubeadm reset -f &&
sudo systemctl stop kubelet &&
sudo systemctl stop docker &&
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cni/ &&
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/kubelet/* &&
sudo rm -rf /etc/cni/ &&
sudo ifconfig cni0 down &&
sudo ifconfig flannel.1 down &&
sudo ifconfig docker0 down &&
sudo ip link delete cni0 &&
sudo ip link delete flannel.1 &&
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/* &&
sudo rm -fr ~/.kube/* &&
sudo shutdown -r now
ansible when with_items – ignore one group
I’m setting up icinga & using
However, it’s putting a config on the icinga server to monitor itself, which is causing
information/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/conf.d/pmlgra-03.domain.conf information/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/conf.d/satellite.conf information/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf information/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/conf.d/slave-6.domain.conf information/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/conf.d/templates.conf information/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/conf.d/timeperiods.conf information/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/conf.d/users.conf critical/config: Error: Object 'dmlici-02.domain' of type 'Host' re-defined: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts.conf: 18:1-18:20; previous definition: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/dmlici-02.domain.conf: 2:1-2:35 Location: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts.conf: 18:1-18:20 /etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts.conf(16): */ /etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts.conf(17):
So this ansible with_items and when fixed it. Note: My icinga server is in a group called icinga
- name: Copy Host Definitions template: src=hosts_template.j2 dest={{ icinga2_hosts_dir }}/{{ hostvars[item]['inventory_hostname'] }}.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644 with_items: groups['all'] when: "'icinga' not in hostvars[item]['group_names']"
osx show listening ports
sudo lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen"
osx display nameserver via cmd line
[user@macmini ~]# scutil --dns | grep 'nameserver\[[0-9]*\]' nameserver[0] : nameserver[1] : nameserver[0] : nameserver[1] : nameserver[0] : nameserver[1] :
Lookup ip address location via cmd
mybox:~ myuser$ curl { "ip": "", "hostname": "No Hostname", "city": "Mount Laurel", "region": "New Jersey", "country": "US", "loc": "39.9340,-74.8910", "org": "AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.", "postal": "08054", "phone": "856" }
Rename files to no longer have spaces in names
I was having a problem where the for loop split files with spaces into multiple lines.
jamess@greenscar Ace_Of_Base_-_Star_Mark_Greatest_Hits_(2008)_-_flac $ for i in `find . -type f -name "* *"`; do echo "$i"; rename 's/\ /_/g' "$i"; done; ./CD_1/01.Happy Nation.flac ./CD_1/02.All That She Wants.flac ./CD_1/03.The Sign.flac ./CD_1/04.Wheel Of Fortune.flac ...
Then I found the IFS
IFS=$'\n'; for i in `find . -type f -name '* *.flac'`; do echo "$i"; rename 's/\ /_/g' "$i"; done; unset IFS
And she works.
jamess@greenscar sorted $ IFS=$'\n'; for i in `find . -type f -name '* *.flac'`; do echo "$i"; rename 's/\ /_/g' "$i"; done; unset IFS ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/01 - Thunderstruck.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/02 - Shoot To Thrill.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/03 - Big Gun.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/04 - Fire Your Guns.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/05 - You Shook Me All Night Long.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/06 - Heatseeker.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/07 - Back In Black.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/08 - Who Made Who.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/09 - Hard As A Rock.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/10 - Hells Bells.flac ./ACDC/2008_-_Warning!_High_Voltage_-_Greatest_Hits/CD1_-_Brian_Johnson/11 - Moneytalks.flac ...
OSI Model
People don’t need those stupid packets anyway.
- Application
- Presentation
- Session
- Transport
- Network
- Data Link
- Physical
A good overview –
ffmpeg on osx to convert flac to Apple Lossless (’cause itune$ won’t support flac)
- Install brew
Install ffmpeg
user@box dir $ brew install ffmpeg --with-fdk-aac --with-ffplay --with-freetype --with-frei0r --with-libass --with-libvo-aacenc --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-opencore-amr --with-openjpeg --with-opus --with-rtmpdump --with-schroedinger --with-speex --with-theora --with-tools
Convert all flac files
for f in `find . -type f -name *.flac`; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -vf "crop=((in_w/2)*2):((in_h/2)*2)" -c:a alac "${f%.flac}.m4a"; done
Self signed root cert with multdomain cert & sha-256
Self signed root cert with multdomain cert & sha-256
Prep by creating dirs
mkdir -p /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/root_cert/private/ mkdir -p /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com/
Root Certs
Create Root Key
user@greenscar root_cert $ openssl req \ -x509 \ -new \ -nodes \ -days 3650 \ -newkey rsa:2048 \ -sha256 \ -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=San\ Jose/O=Cloud\ Cruiser\ Inc./CN=*" \ -keyout /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/root_cert/private/root_ca.key
Create Self Signed Root Cert
openssl req \ -x509 \ -sha256 \ -new \ -nodes \ -days 3650 \ -key /Users/user/Documents//SHA-256/root_cert/private/root_ca.key \ -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=San\ Jose/O=Cloud\ Cruiser\ Inc./CN=*" \ -out /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/root_cert/root_ca.crt
Per environment certs
CD to cert dir
user@greenscar star_devwest_foobar_com $ cd /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com
Create Private Key
openssl genrsa \ -out /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com/star_devwest_foobar_com.key \ 2048
Generate CSR
user@greenscar SHA-256 $ cd /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com openssl req -new \ -config /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/ \ -key /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com/star_devwest_foobar_com.key \ -sha256 \ -out /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com/star_devwest_foobar_com.csr \ -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=San\ Jose/O=FooBar\ Inc./"
Create files with all domains you want supported
echo ",DNS:*">cert_extensions
Checkout our new CSR
openssl req -text -noout -in star_devwest_foobar_com.csr
Sign cert via self signed root cert
openssl x509 -req \ -in /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com/star_devwest_foobar_com.csr \ -CA /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/root_cert/root_ca.crt \ -CAkey /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/root_cert/private/root_ca.key \ -CAcreateserial \ -sha256 \ -extfile cert_extensions \ -out /Users/user/Documents/multidomain/star_devwest_foobar_com/star_devwest_foobar_com.crt \ -days 3650
Upload Cert
user@greenscar star_devwest_foobar_com $ aws iam delete-server-certificate --server-certificate-name star_devwest_foobar_com user@greenscar star_devwest_foobar_com $ aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name star_devwest_foobar_com --certificate-body file://star_devwest_foobar_com.crt --private-key file://star_devwest_foobar_com.key