This is a script which uses the XML parsing tool ElementTree to copy one Jenkins job to another & replaces the SVN location to be the latest created tag.
import urllib import urllib2 from urllib2 import URLError import logging import re import os import base64 import sys import time import pysvn import xml.etree.ElementTree from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, SubElement # ElementTree XML tutorial -> """ get_svn_login is required for pysvn to set credentials """ def get_svn_login(realm, username, may_save): return True, "svninfoforbuild", "svninfoforbuild", False """ query SVN for a list of tags. Look through that list for tags matching regex. figure out which of these was created last. return this tag. """ def svn_get_latest_tag(device, client): logging.debug( "svn_get_latest_tag(" + device + ", Client)") reponame = svn_url + "/" + svn_repo_list[device] + "/tags" logging.debug( "reponame = " + reponame) taglist = client.list(reponame) logging.debug("taglist = " + str(taglist)) maxtime = 0 maxtag = None tagname = None for tag in taglist: #for x in tag[0]: # logging.debug( str(x) + " = " + str(tag[0][x])) m ="/(" + device + "-d+.d+.d+.d+)$", tag[0]["path"]) if m is not None: if tag[0]["time"] > maxtime: tagname = maxtime = tag[0]["time"] maxtag = tag[0]["path"] logging.debug( "maxtime = " + str(maxtime)) logging.debug( "maxtag = " + str(maxtag)) logging.debug( "tagname = " + str(tagname)) return maxtime, maxtag, tagname """ query SVN for a list of branchs. Look through that list for branchs matching regex. figure out which of these was created last. return this branch. """ def svn_get_latest_branch(device, client): logging.debug( "svn_get_latest_tag(" + device + ", Client)") reponame = svn_url + "/" + svn_repo_list[device] + "/branches" logging.debug( "reponame = " + reponame) branchlist = client.list(reponame) maxtime = 0 maxtag = None branchname = None for branch in branchlist: logging.debug( "------------------------") for x in branch[0]: logging.debug( str(x) + " = " + str(branch[0][x])) logging.debug( str(branch[0]["time"]) + " > " + str(maxtime)) m ="/(" + device + "-d+.d+.d+.[dw]+)$", branch[0]["path"]) if m is not None: logging.debug( "m is not None") if branch[0]["time"] > maxtime: branchname = maxtime = branch[0]["time"] maxbranch = branch[0]["path"] logging.debug( "********* branchname == " + branchname) logging.debug( "------ maxtime == " + str(maxtime)) logging.debug( "------------------------") logging.debug( "maxtime = " + str(maxtime)) logging.debug( "maxbranch = " + str(maxbranch)) logging.debug( "branchname = " + str(branchname)) return maxtime, maxbranch, branchname def jenkins_get_project_xml(device, timestr): jobxmlurl = jenkins_url + "/job/" + jenkins_project_list[device] + "/config.xml" req = urllib2.Request(jobxmlurl) base64string = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (jenkins_id, jenkins_pwd))[:-1] req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) jobxml = f = open("./" + device + "_config_" + timestr + ".xml", "w") f.write(jobxml) f.close() return "./" + device + "_config_" + timestr + ".xml" #logging.debug( jobxmlurl) def jenkins_push_project_xml(new_proj_name, source_proj, new_proj_xml): # READ XML INTO MEMORY xml_contents = "" file = open(new_proj_xml, "r") for line in file: xml_contents += line file.close() # 1) CREATE A NEW JOB IN JENKINS job_create_url = jenkins_url + "/createItem?name=" + new_proj_name logging.debug( job_create_url) req = urllib2.Request(job_create_url, data=xml_contents, headers={"Content-Type":"text/xml"}) base64string = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (jenkins_id, jenkins_pwd))[:-1] req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) create_results = def jenkins_project_exists(pname): logging.debug("jenkins_project_exists(" + pname + ")") jobxmlurl = jenkins_url + "/job/" + pname logging.debug( "jobxmlurl = " + jobxmlurl) req = urllib2.Request(jobxmlurl) base64string = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (jenkins_id, jenkins_pwd))[:-1] req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(req) except URLError, e: return False return True def svn_get_trunk_url(device): return svn_url + "/" + svn_repo_list[device] + "/trunk" def process_xml(device, tagname, jobxml, svn_trunk_url, svn_maxtag_url, timestr): # Element - XML elements containing: # the label (tag), # a list of attributes # a list of chilren elements (forming the XML tree hierarchy) # Elementtree - The wrappers around Element objects which provide facilities to output the Element as an xml file # You can also read an xml file into an ElementTree then access teh Elements within. # CREATE AN ELEMENT TREE OBJECT et = ElementTree() # PARSE THE XML FILE. project_elem = et.parse(jobxml) logging.debug( "--------------------------------------------") # REPLACE THE SCM LOCATION POINTING TO TRUNK WITH ONE POINTING TO THE NEW TAG # Structure = ## ... # # FIND THE FIRST description ELEMENT de = project_elem.find("description") de.text = device + " TAG " + tagname scme = project_elem.find("scm") loce = scme.find("locations") location_children = list(loce) logging.debug( "svn_trunk_url = " + svn_trunk_url) for l in location_children: remote = l.find("remote") local = l.find("local") m ="^" + svn_trunk_url + "(/src)?$", remote.text) if m is not None: newstr = svn_maxtag_url if is not None: newstr += logging.debug( newstr) remote.text=newstr newxmlname = "./" + device + "_config_new_" + timestr + ".xml" et.write(newxmlname); return(newxmlname); svn_url="" #device_type="ios" jenkins_url="" job_sub_http="job" svn_repo_list={} svn_repo_list["android"] = "android" svn_repo_list["ios"] = "ios" svn_repo_list["blackberry"] = "blackberry" jenkins_project_list={} jenkins_project_list["android"] = "android_trunk" jenkins_project_list["ios"] = "ios_trunk" jenkins_project_list["blackberry"] = "blackberry_trunk" jenkins_id = "tag_creator" jenkins_pwd = "1qazxsw2" job_file="config.xml" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime()) device_type = None svn_loc = "tags" for arg in sys.argv: args ="^--(S+)=(S+)$", arg) if args is not None: if"^device_type$", device_type = logging.debug("device_type = " + device_type) elif"^svn_loc$", svn_loc = logging.debug("svn_loc = " + svn_loc) try: repo = svn_repo_list[device_type] logging.debug("repo = " + repo) except KeyError, e: sys.exit("ERROR: device_type does not match the required list of options (android, ios, blackberry)") svn_trunk_url=svn_url + repo + "/trunk" logging.debug("svn_trunk_url = " + svn_trunk_url) client = pysvn.Client() client.callback_get_login = get_svn_login maxtime = None svn_maxtag_url = None reponame = None if svn_loc == "tags": maxtime, svn_maxtag_url, reponame = svn_get_latest_tag(device_type, client) elif svn_loc == "branches": maxtime, svn_maxtag_url, reponame = svn_get_latest_branch(device_type, client) else: sys.exit("ERROR: You cannot use svn_loc = " + svn_loc) logging.debug("maxtime = " + str(maxtime)) logging.debug("svn_maxtag_url = " + str(svn_maxtag_url)) logging.debug("reponame = " + str(reponame)) project_exists = jenkins_project_exists(reponame) logging.debug("project_exists = " + str(project_exists)) if project_exists: sys.exit("ERROR: The Jenkins job " + reponame + " already exists.") origxml = jenkins_get_project_xml(device_type, timestr) newxml = process_xml(device_type, reponame, origxml, svn_trunk_url, svn_maxtag_url, timestr) jenkins_push_project_xml(reponame, jenkins_project_list[device_type], newxml) os.remove(origxml) os.remove(newxml)projectname # ... ## # ... ## # ... ## # ... #... #... #