Xymon on Solaris 10 containers & see minimum one second step error


You are running Xymon in Solaris 10 containers & see the following logs:

2010-08-27 15:19:30 RRD error updating /opt/csw/xymon/data/rrd/buildbox1/ifstat.mac.rrd from /opt/csw/xymon/data/rrd/cmsys2/ifstat.mac.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 1282947570 when last update time is 1282947570 (minimum one second step)
2010-08-27 15:19:30 RRD error updating /opt/csw/xymon/data/rrd/buildbox1/ifstat.mac.rrd from /opt/csw/xymon/data/rrd/cmsys2/ifstat.mac.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 1282947570 when last update time is 1282947570 (minimum one second step)

The problem is Xymon client can send 2 pairs of data at the same timestamp.

Find the line in your xymon file

/usr/bin/kstat -p -s '[or]bytes64'

Change it to:

/usr/bin/kstat -p -s '[or]bytes64' | egrep -v 'wrsmd|mac' | sort